

Today, I have relived one of my all time favourite films, My Fair Lady. Up until now I had always thought of it as nothing more than a happy, cute musical… but watching it back, years after the last time I saw it, I now properly understand why its such a timeless classic that can appeal to all generations. For someone like myself who likes pieces with a lot of depth, it is the perfect choice. Now, I could sit here and write a review about the film(which is not what I’m wanting to do), I want to talk about the star of the film, Audrey Hepburn.  I know it is a very unoriginal topic, but I feel that I need to put my own stamp on it:
People have always been raving about how beautiful and talented Audrey Hepburn was; don’t get me wrong, I have always known that she was one of the most beautiful actresses ever, but only now am I realising just how incredible an actress she really was. If you watch one of her films- any of them- you(well, I certainly do) will find yourself completely captivated by her.  Now, I have been reading this book called, The Stanislavsky Toolkit, and it talks about your body and emotions being completely in sync with your psyche; Audrey completely embodies this technique. But what I find truly intriguing is how she never actually trained to be an actor, she had trained to be a ballet dancer, which can only mean that naturally she was capable of performing at such a level that many people train for years to achieve. Frankly, I find this to be quite inspiring as we are all destined to do something brilliant- just as Audrey was destined to be a phenomenal actress.


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